Artist Peg Green
Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, I've lived in Chicago; Philadelphia; Germany; Mongolia; Colorado Springs; Reston, Virginia along the Washington DC beltway, and now Sarasota, Florida.
I’ve had about as many professional careers as home towns, and now I’m an artist specializing in Fabric Tapestries, also known as “Art Quilts.” I started quilting about 25 years ago, developing a personal style using intricate combinations of curved shapes and colorful patterns in bold designs that express the exuberance of life.
My artwork tends toward spiritual and feminist themes, as do my personality and intellectual curiosity. I’m inspired by nature, archetypes and symbols from myths and cultures across the world: Shamanism, anthropology, and feminism.
I use an intuitive approach to design, which has been strongly influenced by three years studying Intuitive Painting through the teachings of Michele Cassou and Judith Forst.